Although I have great intentions of regularly visiting stores that I like, to see what new picking they may have laid out for me, at the end of the day, they stay intentions. Which means one day I went to a very empty Aoharu and bought a samurai hair... and a couple of months or so later, I went and the fecher was filled with clothes for boys and girls!! With so much to choose from, I decided to shake things up and buy a black outfit and see if I could make it work for me…ok, I'm a creature of habit, but hey, with no lint, or dust, or dog hair to mess with your black, it's just such a win!!

Let's start with the short cotton jacket, shall we? It comes as a jacket layer base with prim cuffs, collar, and a bottom that didn’t take too much wrangling to line up. Now, if you're going to make black clothes, don’t make them so soul-sucking black that you lose all the details - Aoharu understands this and uses some real nice shading to bring the jacket to life. Speaking of shading, the best part of this jacket?? The giant happy face on the back!! It makes me happy to know that where ever I wear this jacket, I'm not only spreading a wide swath of my particular brand of bullshite, but good will and cheer for my fellow grid walkers!! (wipes a sentimental tear from his eye) By the way, if you don’t see the happy face, you suck….keep staring at it until you do, or delete your account and go play Hello Kitty island adventure.

Ever jealous that Nic has way better capris than me, I jumped on these Clopped (sic) pants faster than Dove's gramma can shout “whats the number to 911!?!” I like the uneven cuffs and their simple casual look…and the chance to show off my tanned ankles - unlike my ghostlike RL ones (grumbles about Juneuary in Vancouver). UBU’s Pornstar slip-ons mean never having to tie your shoes all summer, which is a must when you’re half arsed…and wearing sneakers without socks….what could go wrong - other than having the most skanky smelling shoes this side of the Rockies come September! My hair was a group gift from Find Ash, which means it was free…unlike RL, free things on the grid don’t generally equate with crap…case in point. Lastly, I've been wearing a lot of summery surf jewelry of late…much of it from M.R.M - Masaru Raymaker is to tiny prim work what Dove is to poo…a master - plus I like him so I'm gonna pimp him again. And speaking of pimp, I'm off to the fashcon cafĂ© to get paid …some of those girls have been holding out on me and buying shoes at Storm Schmooz with my money dammit!!
Aoharu - Clopped Pants (black), Short Cotton Jacket (black)
Find Ash – Normal Hair (neo black)
M.R.M. - Bracelet/Necklace (mix wood/metal)
Muism - 40% Transparency Tank Top (white)
Primitive Design - Insurrection Piercing Set
Urban Bomb Unit - PornStar Slip-ons
I see it! It's all: :D
but you hear the same voices i do too....
Trying to out-capri me! The treachery! >:(
Nice pants. :D
You were this clothes in Random. I recall having met you :)
nic, i dare to dream!!
good memory horan!!
Very nice close ups on the necklace and bracelet! Thanks for that! :-)
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